Wichita Falls Ra7dio3


Wichita Falls Scanner Frequencies & Radio Activities

ON THE RADIO - Frequencies are in MHz

NIGHTLY: Local group on CB Radio Channel 23 - 5:30 PM
WEEKLY: Wichita Amateur Radio Society Net - Sun 8 PM - 147.140
WEEKLY: Clay County Amateur Radio Club Net - Tue - 8 PM - 146.800
WEEKLY: Montague County Simplex Net - Sat - 9 AM - 147.500
INFORMAL: Ham Radio chatter - 146.520, 147.140, 147.570, 223.500
STORM SPOTTERS:146.940 (Wichita) 146.800 (Clay)
7290 TRAFFIC NET: MON-SAT 10:00 AM - 12:00 NOON - 7.290
7290 TRAFFIC NET: MON-FRI 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM - 7.290
TEXAS TRAFFIC NET: MON-SAT 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM - 7.285
TEXAS TRAFFIC NET: Evenings - 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM - 3.883 (3.877 alt)

SCANNER FREQUENCIES - Frequencies are in MHz

This is not intended to be a complete frequency directory for Wichita Falls.

Air Evac Lifeteam - 159.900
Allred Unit General Population - 153.815
Allred Unit Expansion Cellblock (ECB) - 155.725
Amateur Radio Repeater - Henrietta - 146.680/146.800
Amateur Radio Repeater - Wichita Falls - 147.140
Amateur Radio Repeater - Wichita Falls - 444.000
Amateur Radio Simplex Frequencies - 146.520, 147.570, 446.000
Amateur Radio Storm Spotters - Wichita County - 146.940
Amateur Radio Storm Spotters - Clay County - 146.800/146.680
BNSF Railroad - 160.620, 160.920, 161.010, 161.130
Burkburnett/Friberg-Cooper Volunteer Fire Department Simplex - 154.8825
Burkburnett ISD School Buses, Maintenance - 151.805
Cameron Gardens Volunteer Fire Department Simplex - 154.400
CB Radio Channel 23 - 5:30 PM local group - 27.255
Chantex Manufacturing - Iowa Park - 461.450
Civil Air Patrol - 141.575, 141.000, 139.875, 149.2750, 150.562, 148.125
Commercial and Industrial Electronics - 464.075
Emeritus at Lakeridge Place - 451.500
FTW Air Route Traffic Control Ctr - WF RCAG - 124.525, 132.925, 254.275
FTW Air Route Traffic Control Ctr - WF RCAG - 269.250, 348.650, 364.800
Helena Chemical Co. Iowa Park - 154.515
Home Depot - 467.7625, 467.8375, 467.850, 467.875
Hotter'N Hell - 146.940, 147.140, 444.000, 444.800 DMR: 454.600, 454.525
ISS (Space Station) FM voice uplink: 144.490 downlink: 145.800
ISS (Space Station) FM repeater uplink: 145.990 downlink: 437.800 Tone: 67 Hz
ISS (Space Station) VHF Packet up/down 145.825
ISS (Space Station) UHF Packet up/down 437.550
Iowa Park School Buses - 153.305
Iowa Park Public Works - 158.955
Iowa Park Volunteer Fire Department Simplex - 153.740
Kamay Volunteer Fire Department Simplex - 158.985
Kickapoo Airport Unicom/CTAF - 122.700
KNIN 92.9 Remote Pickup - 161.640
Lalk Farm operations - 152.900
North American Pipe Corporation (NAPCO) - 461.375
North Texas State Hospital - 154.800, 154.0025, 156.225, 155.040, 155.145
Rolling Meadows - 151.805, 151.835, 151.955, 154.570
Sheppard AFB/Wichita Falls Regional Tower/CTAF* - 119.750
Sheppard AFB/Wichita Falls Regional approach/departure 118.2, 120.4, 269.025
Sheppard AFB/Wichita Falls Regional Unicom** - 122.950
Target - 467.750
Texas Department of Transportation - 159.180
United Regional Health Care System - 452.8125, 453.975, 462.9625
Walmart Stores - 154.570 & 154.600
Waste Connections - 463.300 & 463.800
WFISD School Buses - 152.360
Wichita East Volunteer Fire Department Simplex - 155.205
Wichita Falls Area Railroad - 160.920, 161.100, 160.620, 161.130
Wichita Falls Country Club - 456.1875, 462.2375
Wichita Falls Transit Buses - 453.5375
Wichita West Volunteer Fire Department Simplex - 154.340
Wichita County Jail - 155.520
Wichita County Courthouse Security 155.595
Wichita County Fire Dept Repeaters: 151.3925, 151.4975, 155.5650, 155.8200
Wichita Valley Airport Unicom/CTAF - 122.800

*Common Traffic Advisory Frequency **Pilot to airport staff (information)

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CB RADIO - If you're a CB Radio enthusiast, a local group has been meeting at 5:30 PM on CB Radio Channel 23 most nights of the week in Wichita Falls for many years.

AMATEUR RADIO - The Wichita Amateur Radio Society holds a weekly informal net on Sundays at 8:00 PM on the club's 147.140 MHz repeater. As far as I know, all licensed Amateur (ham) Radio operators are invited to check in. Of course, scanner radio enthusiasts can also tune in. The club meets every third Thursday at 6:30 PM in the Professor Jackson Building behind the American Red Cross at 1809 5th Street in Wichita Falls. I'm sure they'd be happy to see you if you're interested in Amateur (ham) Radio. The club also holds a weekly informal net on Sundays at 8:00 PM on the club's 147.140 MHz repeater. As far as I know, all licensed Amateur (ham) Radio operators are invited to check in. Of course, scanner radio enthusiasts can also tune in.

AMATEUR RADIO - The Clay County Amateur Radio Club (Henrietta) holds a weekly practice net on Tuesdays at 8:00 PM on the 146.800 MHz repeater. As far as I know, all licensed Amateur (ham) Radio operators are invited to check in. Of course, scanner radio enthusiasts can also tune in. The club meets the 1st Thursday of every month at 7:00 PM at the Clay County Memorial Hospital, 310 W. South St, Henrietta TX. I'm sure they'd be happy to see you if you're interested in Amateur (ham) Radio. The club also holds a weekly informal net on Tuesdays at 8:00 PM on the 146.800 MHz repeater. As far as I know, all licensed Amateur (ham) Radio operators are invited to check in. Of course, scanner radio enthusiasts can also tune in.

AMATEUR RADIO ON THE SPACE STATION - There is always an Amateur (ham) Radio operator aboard the International Space Station. Scheduled contacts with schools and unscheduled contacts with other Amateur Radio operators are happening on a regular basis. If you program 145.800 MHz (school contacts) and 437.800 MHz (general Ham Radio contacts) into your scanner, you might be able to listen in if the ISS is within range. At 250 miles high, it can be quite far away laterally, and still be within radio range. Be patient - you will hear something.

MOUNT MURPHY - Mount Murphy is an 80-foot mound of dirt at the south end of Lake Wichita Park, named after retired Parks & Recreation Director Jack Murphy. Significance? It's a great place to operate hobby radios equipment.